Thursday, May 7, 2009

Military Wives' Cookbook

I was recently sent a copy of The Military Wives' Cookbook to review just in time for Military Spouse Appreciation Day. To call this just a cookbook is a terrible understatement. There are so many amazing stories of military wives from times past and their stories of sacrifice and commitment.

The book is divided into themed sections such as "Teas and Coffees" and "Alfresco Dining" each packed with recipes that make my mouth water. Since the book arrived, I've been sick from a new pregnancy so I haven't had the chance to make any of the recipes yet but I've so enjoyed reading the stories and planning which recipes I want to make. First on my list is the Jalapeno Cheese Bread!

This is a great book that I'd recommend for anyone who has married into the military! This summer is PCS season and I know we are always looking for going away gifts for the spouse to show them our love and this would be perfect! It's also great if you are looking for door prizes for your next OSC or ESC function.

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