Saturday, January 10, 2009


Just over a year ago while I was visiting a local health food store, the owner handed me a brochure with my receipt. I glanced at it when I got to the car and something caught my eye immediately. It was a brochure about Stevia, a natural, no calorie sweetener that was derived from a plant rather than chemicals.

My interest was piqued because I has been using Splenda and was looking for an alternative because I was trying to figure out the source of recent migraines. It looked interesting but I promptly forgot to go back and get some to try out.

Recently, I've been seeing commercials for Truvia, newly marketed version of stevia and again, I've been meaning to pick it up.

Enter Mom Central! I received a package of Truvia to review and I was so excited to have it in my coffee the next morning!

I have to say, I like it. It's not quite as sweet the Splenda that I've been using but honestly, that's a good thing. Truvia was perfect in my coffee! I was pleasantly surprised at how much it tastes like sugar and happy that it is a natural product.

Check out their Truvia's website and you can even find recipes that will satisfy your sweet tooth without breaking your New Year's resolution!

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